Les barricades mystérieuses

Switzerland, January 2002
FILM, Documentary, 70 min.

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directed by
Frédéric Gonseth, Catherine Azad
Written by
Frédéric Gonseth, Catherine Azad
In distribution

The landscapes around Lake Geneva have not lost all of their charms since Corot, and indeed they provide the daily bread of the man who was the filmmaker’s drawing teacher at college, ever since he was old enough to make them his personal salvation after the rigours of a protestant education, which is a long time ago since he is now over 90. As a result of his decision to make this nostalgic video portrait of a painter of water colours who has withstood the battering of time, the director found himself confronted with an increasing number of very disturbing coincidences between the choices made by his teacher, and his own first efforts in the “seventh art” of the cinema. This clever portrait thus serves as a delightfully devious way of introducing the viewer to a whole series of discoveries that go well beyond the realms of either painting or cinema. Is it possible that certain things pass between a teacher and his pupil without either being aware of the act of transmission?


World Premiere
January 2002
Original Version
French,  colour, Beta SP, 70 min.
Frédéric Gonseth Productions, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
directed by
Frédéric Gonseth, Catherine Azad
Written by
Frédéric Gonseth, Catherine Azad
Frédéric Gonseth
Frédéric Gonseth, Catherine Azad
Location Sound Mix
Catherine Azad

World Sales / World Rights

World Sales
10 francs