40,000 movie tickets sold for “Shepherds’ Journey into the Third Millenium”


40,000 Swiss moviegoers will soon have seen the documentary film “Hirtenreise ins dritte Jahrtausend” (Shepherds’ Journey into the Third Millenium). With this film, a classical documentary production is again in favor with the public after recent successes by primarily biographical portraits such as “Mani Matter –warum syt dir so truurig?” and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross”. Over the course of the two-hour film, “Shepherds’ Journey” draws the viewers in by its calm and precisely chosen images, its reflection on life’s basic values, and by the deep insights into the modern-day existence of shepherds.
“Hirtenreise ins dritte Jahrtausend” had its theatrical release in Swiss movie theatres in October 2002, and it is currently running successfully in various rural cinemas in the German speaking part of Switzerland. The film was awarded the 2003 Swiss Film Prize for “Best Documentary Film”, the Golden Dove award, the prize of the ecumenic jury, and the prize of the FICC-jury at the 2002 Leipzig International Festival of Documentary and Animated Film. It was also given the inaugural prize of the “Wasseramt” townships at the 2003 Solothurn Film Festival.
br>Erich Langjahr, writer, director, producer, and distributor of his films, through his persistence and attention to detail, portrays the fragile unity between humans and the cosmos in “Shepherds’ Journey“. With this film, he completes a trilogy along with “Sennen-Ballade” and “Bauernkrieg” after a ten-year process that has resulted in a one-of-a-kind oeuvre.

Zurich, April 28, 2003