“Aschenbrüder” wins audience award in Landshut


The Swiss short film “Aschenbrüder” by Steve Walker and Markus Heiniger has been awarded the Newcomer Audience Award (500 Euro) at the Landshut (Germany) short film festival (March 22 - 25).
In their 22 minute work – a diploma film at Zurich Art School (HGKZ) – the two bernese directors tell the story of two brothers who haven't spoken to one another for years, travelling through the french part of Switzerland to disperse the ash of their deceased father. The short film won the Pardino d'Argento at the last Locarno Film Festival, was nominated for the 2007 Swiss Film Prize and is selectet for the competition at the Saarbrücken and Biarritz festivals early this year.

The Landshut festival presented 150 german language short films.

Zurich, March 30, 2007