Silver Dove for “KussKuss”


At the oldest film festival in Poland, the 36th Lubuskiego Lata Filmowego in Latow (Lubuskie Film Summer), “KussKuss-Your Happiness Depends On Me!”, the thesis film by the Swiss director and Berlin-resident Sören Senn, was awarded the Silver Dove on July 8th, 2006. It comes with a prize sum of 2,000 Euro. With this award, the film, which was produced through the Postdam Film School (HFF Konrad Wolf), already won its third prize, after being bestowed the 2005 Babelsberg Media Prize and the 2006 Maverick Spirit Award in San José, (USA).
“KussKuss” has been shown at no less than 20 international film festivals, among them the Festival des Film du Monde in Montréal (2005), and the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (2006), where it was one of 10 selected European works by the US film magazine Variety. According to the director, the film was produced with a budget of 52,000 Euro and received financial support by the Migros Kulturprozent, the canton Graubünden, the city of Chur, and a variety of other Swiss foundations.

Zurich, July 11th, 2006


