Fast ein Western

Log Cabin Blues

Germany, February 1999
FILM, Fiction, 14 min.

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directed by
Tom Traber
Written by
Tom Traber
In distribution

A man must do three things in his lifetime: build a house, father a son and plant a tree. The story of two German policemen who have a romantic dream of building their own log cabin.

Un uomo deve fare tre cose nella vita: costruire una casa, crescere un figlio e piantare un albero. Storia di due poliziotti tedeschi e il loro sogno romantico di costruire la propria "capanna".


World Premiere
February 1999
Original Version
German (french/english subtitles),  colour, 16mm, 14 min.
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
directed by
Tom Traber
Written by
Tom Traber
Sound Design
Jürg von Allmen
Re-Recording Mix
Jürg von Allmen
Location Sound Mix
Pavol Jan Jasovsky
Production Design
Sonja Kräuliger


Heike Faber

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg