La moto de ma mère

Switzerland, August 2003
FILM, Fiction, 30 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Séverine Cornamusaz
Written by
Séverine Cornamusaz, Florence Grivel
In distribution

Life has become complicated since the death of the mother. The oldest daughter finds herself somewhat alone in a world of men and machinery. The situation is made worse by the pain she has kept to herself: she believes that her father is responsible for the accident in which her mother was killed. In gentle sequences, the film tells of the difficulties of absence, as well as the joys and hurts in the daily life of wounded adolescence.

Laure, 15 anni, vive col fratellino Dimitri e col padre autoritario. In casa rimpiazza la madre deceduta. Un giorno il padre decide di vendere la moto che apparteneva alla madre. Laure la ruba e fugge da casa in compagnia di Dimitri. Durante questo viaggio, il passato della madre la raggiungerà.


World Premiere
August 2003
Original Version
French (english subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 30 min.
Fingerprint Films
directed by
Séverine Cornamusaz
Written by
Séverine Cornamusaz, Florence Grivel
Piotr Sliskowski
Daniel Gibel
Jacques Zürcher
Production Design
Rekha Musale


Ernst C. Sigrist
Fabio Fernandes
Laure Dumartheray

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Fingerprint Films


(a selection)
