Mignon à croquer

Sweet Enough to Eat

Switzerland, August 1999
FILM, Fiction, 11 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Lionel Baier
Written by
Lionel Baier
In distribution

Each morning Laura B., a school teacher, pays great attention to the goings-on in the courtyard, watching attentively from her window as mothers drop their children off at the school, giving them a bag with something nice to eat for the 10 o'clock break. On this particular morning, it is Loïc's mille feuilles that attracts the teacher's attention.

Ogni mattina, Laura B., maestra, segue da una finestra la scena usuale che si svolge nel cortile della scuola: le mamme accompagnano i figli e consegnano loro il saccheto della merenda. Questa mattina, è la merenda di Loïc, un mille foglie, che focalizza l'attenzione dell'insegnante.


World Premiere
August 1999
Original Version
French (english/german subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 11 min.
Ciné Manufacture CMS SA
Robert Boner
directed by
Lionel Baier
Written by
Lionel Baier
Thomas Hardmeier
Christine Hoffet
Location Sound Mix
Gilles Abravanel
Production Design
Elodie Pong


Rachel Noël

World Sales / World Rights

World Sales
Bande à part Films

Worldwide Distribution

Bande à part Films Distribution
Release date: tba


(a selection)
