Razor's Edge

United States / Switzerland, March 1999
FILM, Fiction, 14 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Lorenzo Benedick
Written by
Lorenzo Benedick
In distribution

An old barber finds himself at a loss when called upon to shave an unusually jittery customer. When all attempts at idle everyday chatter fail to calm the man, the barber desperately falls back on his last resort: to tell the only secret he knows.

Un vecchio barbiere è sconcertato da un cliente particolarmente agitato. Tutti i tentativi per calmarlo risultano vani; allora, il barbiere usa la sua ultima risorsa: raccontare l'unico vero segreto di cui sia a conoscenza.


World Premiere
March 1999
Original Version
English (french subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 14 min.
Vagabond Films, RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
directed by
Lorenzo Benedick
Written by
Lorenzo Benedick

World Sales / World Rights

World Sales
Talantis Films

Worldwide Distribution

RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera Distribution
Release date: tba


(a selection)
