Segnali di Vita

Italy / Switzerland, October 2023
FILM, Documentary, 105 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Leandro Picarella
In distribution

In Lignan, a small village in the Aosta Valley, there is an astronomical observatory. The large telescope is overlooking the small mountain community like a bell tower or a lighthouse. In late autumn, astrophysicist Paolo Calcidese moves into the facility as sole winter resident to conduct his scientific research and experiment with new technologies. However, due to a technical problem, he is forced to leave the stars and solitude behind in order to devote himself to other, previously unconsidered aspects of life: the people.

A Lignan, villaggio di poche anime nella Valle di Saint-Barthelemy in Valle D'Aosta, un Osservatorio Astronomico scruta i cieli ogni notte. Come un campanile o un faro, il grande telescopio scandisce il tempo della piccola comunità montana. In autunno, l'astro!sico Paolo Calcidese, si trasferisce nella struttura come unico custode e abitante per portare avanti le proprie ricerche scienti!che e sperimentare nuove tecnologie. A causa di un incidente tecnico, però, sarà costretto a mettere da parte gli astri e la solitudine per dedicarsi ad altre forme di vita !nora non considerate: gli esseri umani.


World Premiere
October 2023
Original Version
Italian,  colour, DCP, 105 min.
Qoomoon, soap factory GmbH, RAI Cinema
Luca Scarabelli, Frank Matter
directed by
Leandro Picarella
Andrea José di Pasquale
Fabrizio Paterniti Martello
Sound Editing
Patrick Becker
Sound Design
Patrick Becker
Re-Recording Mix
Patrick Becker
Tomek Kolczynski

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Qoomoon , soap factory GmbH


(a selection)
