Tribute to Villi Hermann in Freistadt


The Ticinese filmmaker Villi Hermann was honoured with the Freistadt Lifetime Achievement Award at the 21st New Homeland Film Festival in Austria (August 27-31, 2008). His film “Pédra. Ein Reporter ohne Grenzen” was presented at the festival. This prize is awarded to filmmakers whose works – often with non-commercial production structures – have rendered outstanding services to the “new homeland film”, a genre of film with a regional background, focusing on the socio-cultural reality of a region or country.
Apart from “Pédra. Ein Reporter ohne Grenzen”, two other Swiss film productions were also screened at the “Der Neue Heimatfilm” Festival: “Die letzten Bergbauern von Prugiasco” by Remo Legnazzi; and “Bergauf, Bergab” by Hans Haldimann. The Freistadt Lifetime Achievement Award (Upper Austria) had already been awarded to Swiss film directors Erich Langjahr and Karl Saurer in 2004 and 2007.

Zurich, September 1, 2008