“Unser America” awarded in Pamplona


The Swiss documentary film “Unser America” (Our America) by Kristina Konrad (Production: Maximage, Zurich) was awarded a Special Mention by the Jury (with a prize sum of 1,000 Euro) at the Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Navarra in Pamplona (February 23 – March 3, 2007). The film portrays the disparate developments in Nicaragua of the past 25 years by following the traces of two female Sandinista fighters.
At the same festival last year, the Swiss film “Melodias” by François Bovy also won two of the main prizes. “Unser America”, which was released in Swiss movie theatres in the beginning of 2006, and it won the prize for Best Foreign Film on Latin America at the Festival Internacional del Nuovo Cine Latinoamericano in December 2006.

Zurich, March 5, 2007