Day Is Done

Switzerland, February 2011
FILM, Documentary, 111 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Thomas Imbach
Written by
Thomas Imbach, Patrizia Stotz
In distribution

A smokestack stubbornly pierces the sky. Trains rumble by down below. Lights come on in the buildings as night falls. There is a man behind the camera, looking for an image – of himself? Of the world? Of society? By day and night, in rain and snow, he stands filming at the window of his studio. Periodically we hear people leaving messages on his answering machine. They talk about the weather while on vacation and congratulate him on his birthday. His father dies, a child is born, the young family begins to fall apart. Time passes. Slowly the cityscape morphs into the inner landscape of the man behind the camera.

Una ciminiera si innalza fumoso in cielo. Sotto sferragliano sfrecciando i treni. Dentro le case sempre più illuminate la luce scaccia il buio. L’uomo dietro la cinepresa sta alla finestra del suo atelier e cerca un’immagine. Filma sia di giorno sia di notte, con la pioggia e la neve. Una segreteria telefonica snocciola voci che raccontano del bel tempo durante le ferie, si congratulano per il compleanno dell’uomo. Il padre muore, un bambino viene al mondo, una giovane famiglia va in frantumi. Gli anni passano. Lentamente il paesaggio urbano diventa paesaggio interno dell’uomo dietro la cinepresa.


World Premiere
February 2011
Original Version
Swiss-German (english/german subtitles),  colour, DCP, 111 min.
Okofilm Productions, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, ARTE G.E.I.E.
Andrea Štaka
directed by
Thomas Imbach
Written by
Thomas Imbach, Patrizia Stotz
Thomas Imbach
Gion-Reto Killias, Tom La Belle
Sound Design
Peter Bräker
Peter Bräker, Lukas Langenegger, Balz Bachmann, George Vaine

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Okofilm Productions

Worldwide Distribution

Arsenal Filmverleih GmbH Distribution
Release date: 01.12.2012
Pathé Films AG Distribution
Release date: 10.11.2011


(a selection)


(a selection)
