Un homme sans histoire

Switzerland, October 2004
FILM, Fiction, 75 min.

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directed by
Pierre Maillard
Written by
Pierre Maillard
In distribution

One evening, D. talked to me quite harshly: “Your work as a filmmaker is a luxury, she said, a luxury which borders on shameful. Is it some kind of fraud? What is the justification for films nobody goes to see? Who could possibly be interested in this self-centered autism? It’s just not my thing. You have to open doors, show how things work. You have to give – something to eat, to drink. You can’t expect to have an affect on anything, no matter how miniscule, not even in the slightest, with your heavy stories set in cooped-up, poorly-heated houses and haunted by characters devoid of relationships. This project you’re talking about – this mysterious, solitary activity of yours – is the same stuff as your other films. And the same thing will come of it. Who wants it? Who needs it? What’s the point? What in the world is it trying to say? To whom?” she said.
