Five Swiss animated films at Anima Mundi Festival in Brazilil


Five Swiss animated films have been invited to participate at the 15th Festival internacional de Animação do Brasil “Anima Mundi”, taking place in Rio de Janeiro from June 29 to July 8, and in São Paulo from July 11 – 15, 2007. In the international short film program “Curtas”, the following films will be presented: “Not the End” by Clemens Steiger, “Jeu/Play” by Georges Schwizgebel, and three student films from the Lucerne School of Art and Design. These include “Botteoubateau” by Marina Rosset, “The Cleaner” by Dustin Rees, and “Die Erde ist rund/The World Is Round” by Jadwiga Kowalska. Director Clemens Steiger will be in attendance for the presentation of his film.
With their participation in Brazil, these films continue their successful festival careers: the short film “Jeu/Play”, which has already received numerous international awards, could last be seen at the Festival du film d’animation d’Annecy, along with “Not the End”, “The Cleaner”, and “Botteoubateau” (also awarded at Trebon, Czech Republic). “The World Is Round” screened at festivals in Clermont-Ferrand, Leipzig, and Warsaw, where it received an award in 2006.

Animated films from more than 40 countries will be competing for a variety of awards. The festival, which is led by four animated filmmakers and is solely dedicated to animated film, celebrates its 15th birthday this year. It is the most important animated film festival in South America and draws an audience of nearly 80,000 viewers every year.

Geneva, June 28, 2007