Oscar: Reto Caffi and Roeland Wiesnekker on promotional tour


Reto Caffi’s film “On the Line” nominated “Best fictional short film” at the 81st Academy Awards – his graduation film at the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, coprod. Schweizer Fernsehen SF and Blush Films – will be presented in Los Angeles and New York in February. Film director Reto Caffi’s and main actor Roeland Wiesnekker’s presence in the US are of key importance to the promotional campaign. The two Swiss intend to score well with the members of the Academy, who will be selecting their favourite by February 22nd, 2009, at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles.
After director Reto Caffi and actor Roeland Wiesnekker attended the traditional Nominees’ Dinner on February 2nd, they are now concentrating fully on the promotional campaign, hoping to gain as many votes as possible on February 22nd. “On the Line” will be shown to the members of the Academy twice in Los Angeles (February 7th and 13th) and in New York (February 12th and 13th). Additional special screenings, promoted by the Swiss General Consulate, will be taking place in Los Angeles.

The Oscar promotional tour for the film “On the Line” is coordinated by SWISS FILMS – supported financially by the Federal Office for Culture and Schweizer Fernsehen SF – and German Films in close cooperation with Reto Caffi and the American PR agency Dimension 3.

In Switzerland the film will be presented to the media in Zurich on 6th February. “On the Line” will be showing in various towns of the cantons of Bern and Zurich starting on February 15th.

tour de berne

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Geneva/Zurich, February 5th, 2009