Swiss films on online festival "My French Film Festival"

My French Film Festival - the online French film festival – presents two Swiss coproductions in collaboration with SWISS FILMS: “Moka” by Frédéric Mermoud; and “D’ombres et d’ailes” by Elice Meng and Eleonora Marinoni. The festival programme is simultaneously available on roughly 30 VOD partner platforms around the world, including iTunes in 90 countries.


My French Film Festival - the online French film festival – presents two Swiss coproductions in collaboration with SWISS FILMS: “Moka” by Frédéric Mermoud; and “D’ombres et d’ailes” by Elice Meng and Eleonora Marinoni. The festival programme is simultaneously available on roughly 30 VOD partner platforms around the world, including iTunes in 90 countries.

The French-Swiss coproduction “Moka” by Frédéric Mermoud (Bande à part Films, Lausanne) celebrated its premiere at the Festival del film Locarno in 2016 and was honoured with the Variety Piazza Grande Award. The critics rhapsodised the two actresses Emmanuelle Devos and Nathalie Baye: “Watching these two fine actresses circle each other in a kind of watchful alligator’s tango, each waiting for the other to blink first, is the chief pleasure on offer in Moka,” wrote Guy Lodge (Variety). More than 200,000 viewers flocked to see Mermoud’s film in cinemas in France, thus rendering it one of Switzerland’s greatest box-office hits in the Grande Nation.

The short animation film “D’ombres et d’ailes” by Elice Meng and Eleonora Marinoni (Nadasdy Fiilm, Les Acacias) was honoured with the Silver Leopard at the Festival del film Locarno in 2015. The Swiss-French coproduction was one of the most successful short films at international festivals in the past year.

The two Swiss films are screened out of competition on My French Film Festival, all of the short films can be accessed free of charge. The festival runs from January 13 to February 13, 2017.

SWISS FILMS, January 16, 2017
