Two Swiss animation films at Short Shorts Film Festival in Tokyo


Two Swiss short animation films will be screened in the competition of the 11th Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia in Tokyo (June 10-14, 2009). The film “Tango Lola” by Genovese directors Izabela Rieben and Sami Ben Youssef will participate in the international competition and is thus in the running for the Grand Prix for Best Short Film, which is endowed with 600,000 yen (approx. 6,700 CHF). The graduation film “No Penguin's Land” by Marcel Barelli, who studied at HEAD – Geneva University of Art and Design, will be screened in the “Stop! Global Warming” competition, which is devoted to films that deal with global warming. The award of this competition is also endowed with 600,000 yen.
The short film “Tango Lola” has already been screened at film festivals in Montreal, Namur, Espinho and Bristol and was nominated for a QUARTZ Swiss Film Prize 2009. Diane Duperret, producer of this animation film which features figures made of modelled clay, will present it to the audience in Tokyo. The film “No Penguin’s Land” combines animation and real film techniques and addresses the problem of global warming and ecology. It has already been screened at almost 30 festivals all over the world.

The Festival Short Shorts in Tokyo is, together with the Sapporo Short Fest, one of the most important festivals for the short film genre in Japan. The winner of the Grand Prix in the international competition qualifies for an Oscar nomination in the short film category because the Short Shorts Festival is among the 65 festivals and events accredited by the Academy Awards. This year the festival will screen 90 short films in five different competitions. Approximately 3,500 works were submitted for this year’s festival.

Geneva, June 9, 2009