Stephanie Knöbl


Born in 1979 in Vienna, Austria. Lives and works in Lucerne, Switzerland. 2005 graduating in Art History and Media Studies at the University of Graz (Austria) and publishing the thesis on Maori Art and Culture (Maoritanga, 2006). Continuing studies in the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage and its representation through media formats. 2008 complementing studies on ICH and Visual Anthropology at the University of Zuerich and Basel and conducting field research in Vanuatu and the Philippines. 2013 founding the Kultur- und Medienwerkstatt GmbH in Lucerne (CH) – a production company for project work on living traditions.

(a selection)


Pepita & Max - Ein Alpsegen für Monsieur Raf by Rahel Ilona Eisenring, Stephanie Knöbl