Mario Botta. Oltre lo Spazio

Mario Botta. The Space Beyond

Switzerland, July 2018
FILM, Documentary, 77 min.

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directed by
Loretta Dalpozzo, Michèle Volontè
Written by
Loretta Dalpozzo, Michèle Volontè
In distribution

An artistic and personal journey into the architecture of Mario Botta to understand why a globalized society feels the urge to build sacred spaces and why Botta feels, more than ever, the need to tackle the issue. Passionate, tireless, at 75 Botta is one of the few architects, who has built places of prayer for the three main monotheistic religions. After building many churches, chapels and a synagogue, he is now building a Mosque in China. A new challenge in a moment of deep reflection about the contradictions of our society.

Un viaggio “oltre lo spazio”, dentro il mondo di Mario Botta, che permette di scoprire un architetto instancabile e inedito, alla ricerca di nuove sfide. Dopo aver costruito chiese, cappelle e una sinagoga, Botta sta progettando una moschea in Cina. Il documentario ripercorre la carriera dell’acclamato Artista svizzero attraverso i suoi spazi sacri, un tema a lui caro, perchè in esso ha trovato l’essenza dell’architettura ed ispirazione per profonde riflessioni personali e professionali.


World Premiere
July 2018
Original Version
Chinese, English, Korean (italian/english subtitles),  colour, DCP, 77 min.
Swissbridge Productions Sagl
Loretta Dalpozzo
directed by
Loretta Dalpozzo, Michèle Volontè
Written by
Loretta Dalpozzo, Michèle Volontè
Mauro Boscarato, Ariel Salati, Chris McMillon
Michael Glowacki
Location Sound Mix
Marco Monti
Re-Recording Mix
Riccardo Studer, Alessandra Modugno
Bruno Brugnano
Production Design
Loretta Dalpozzo, Michèle Volontè

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Swissbridge Productions Sagl


(a selection)
