Pédra. Un reporter sans frontières

Pédra. Reporter Without Borders
Pédra. Un reporter senza frontiere

Switzerland, October 2006
FILM, Documentary, 61 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Villi Hermann
Written by
Villi Hermann
In distribution

The photographer Jean-Pierre Pedrazzini was born in Paris in 1927, to parents from Locarno. Emigrating with his parents to Switzerland in 1943-44, he starts taking photographs in Davos. By the end of the war, he is taking up a job offer with Paris Match, and beginning his short career as a photojournalist. Little more than a decade later, while capturing enduring images of the Budapest uprising of 1956, he is fatally injured. I meet people who shared his reportage, trips and adventures: photographers Russ Melcher, Willy Rizzo, Benno Graziani, Erich Lessing, Mario De Biasi. I visit Dominique Lapierre, too, with whom Jean-Pierre Pedrazzini published a book about the trip that they did through the USSR in 1956. In Tbilisi I meet the surgeon Georgi Mosseshvili who hosted the French during their trip.

Jean-Pierre Pedrazzini originario di Locarno nasce a Parigi nel 1927. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale si trasferisce in Svizzera dove inizia la sua carriera di fotografo. Poi torna in Francia e lavora per Paris Match. Muore nel 1956 dopo essere stato ferito gravemente durante l’insurrezione di Budapest. Nel film parlo con sua sorella Marie-Charlotte Vidal-Quadras, intervisto persone che l’hanno frequentato: i fotografi Russ Melcher, Willy Rizzo, Erich Lessing, Benno Graziani, Mario De Biasi e Aliette Lapierre e lo scrittore Dominique Lapierre, compagni di viaggio del fotografo nell’avventura che li ha visti attraversare l’URSS in auto nel 1956. In Ungheria parlo con Làszlò Eörsi, storico e il medico Vilmos Olàh. Incontro anche il chirurgo Georgi Mossechvili, che li ospitò a Tbilisi.


World Premiere
October 2006
Original Version
Italian,  colour and b/w, Digi Beta, 61 min.
0000-0001-9322-0000-L Pédra
Imagofilm Lugano, RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
directed by
Villi Hermann
Written by
Villi Hermann
Alberto Meroni, Felix von Muralt, Pietro Zuercher, Micha Hädemer, Nugzar Nozadze
Villi Hermann, Alberto Meroni
Re-Recording Mix
Riccardo Studer
Christian Gilardi, Zeno Gabaglio, Khaled Arman
Location Sound Mix
Villi Hermann

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Imagofilm Lugano


(a selection)


(a selection)
