Chiara Toffoletto

Director, Screenwriter, Actor

Born and raised in Milan, Italy, where she attended art high school and developed a strong interest in drawing and art history. 2016-19 BA of Arts, Design and Performing Arts at IULM University in Milan, she has spending the last year of the course, as part of the Erasmus program, at Université Montaigne (2018-19) in Bordeaux. 2019-21 academic cycle at the Conservatory of Audiovisual Sciences CISA in Locarno, where she attended the year of specialisation in Directing (2021-2022). During this cycle she made the fictional short film NINA. In 2021 she was selected together with two other young female directors by director Bruno Bigoni and the Maelstrom Group to participate in an independent project aimed at investigating what remains of the partisan resistance in Val di Susa, making a medium-length documentary film entitled NELLE FUNNE SCORRE NEL SANGUE (2022).

(a selection)


FUTURA ! – Volume II by Sarah Imsand, Antoine Harari, Valeria Mazzucchi, Elena Laura Petitpierre, Dylan Taher, Valentina Shasivari, Chiara Toffoletto, Antonino Mangiaracina, Alan Sahin, Valentin Raeber, Tobias Wanner, Taina Lopez
Find a Film! by Coline Confort, Slava Doytcheva, Federico Frefel, Alessandro Garbuio, Andrea Gatopoulos, Ambra Guidotti, Jumana Issa, Zhenia Kazankina, Bohao Liu, Diego Andres Murillo, Chiara Toffoletto
Nina by Chiara Toffoletto


Nina by Chiara Toffoletto


Happy Homes by Agnese Làposi