Andrea von Siebenthal

Director, Producer

Andrea von Siebenthal is a former television broadcasting journalist, spokesperson and communicator in the humanitarian realm.
Born and raised in Switzerland, she has worked extensively in post-conflict areas. The topics of war and its consequences on civilians have always been at the heart of her work. Her desire to shed a light on forgotten conflicts and the human cost of geopolitical decisions continues to inform her documentary projects.
She holds a Master’s degree in International Conflict Journalism as well as a Certificate in Documentary Filmmaking from the New York Film Academy.
Andrea von Siebenthal is also the author of a historical novel, "Madame Gstaad".
Her first self-directed documentary film, MORE THAN BROTHERS (2023), has been screened at various festivals, including DOC NYC and BigSky in the USA. Earlier productions of hers were honoured with gold at the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards as well as at the Internationale Wirtschaftsfilmtage.

(a selection)


More Than Brothers by Andrea von Siebenthal


More Than Brothers by Andrea von Siebenthal