“Unser America” wins prize in Havana


At the 27th Festival Internacional del Nuovo Cine Latinoamericano (December 6-16, 2005), the Swiss documentary film “Unser America” (Our America) by Kristina Konrad (Production: maximage, Zurich) won the award for best foreign film.
“La dignidad de los nadie” (The Dignity of the Nobodies), a film by Fernando Solanas won the Saúl Yelín prize bestowed by the Latin American Cineast Association along with the documentary film prize (ex aequo) presented by the Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau. In addition, the Swiss director Alexandra Müller received an honorable mention by the “Casas de Cultura” national committee for her film “¿Donde está Sara Gómez?” (Where is Sara Gómez?) (Production: Amka films, Savosa).

Zurich, December 21, 2005